Jeffrey N. Hirschberg, M.A.
Director and Associate Professor Savage Theater and Communication Building 112Email: hirschjn@buffalostate.edu
Jeffrey N. Hirschberg, M.A.'s profile
Carol Y. Beckley, M.F.A.
Theater Chair and Associate Professor Savage Theater and Communication Building 216Phone: (716) 878-6419
Email: becklecy@buffalostate.edu
Carol Y. Beckley, M.F.A.'s profile
Dorothea Braemer, M.F.A.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall B126Phone: (716) 878-3794
Email: braemed@buffalostate.edu
Dorothea Braemer, M.F.A.'s profile
Ruth B. Goldman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall B124Phone: (716) 878-4714
Email: goldmarb@buffalostate.edu
Meg E. Knowles, M.F.A.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall B123Phone: (716) 878-4023
Email: knowleme@buffalostate.edu
Meg E. Knowles, M.F.A.'s profile
Macy Todd, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Ketchum 306Email: toddmp@buffalostate.edu
Macy Todd, Ph.D.'s profile
Jennifer J. Toohey, M.F.A.
Associate Professor Donald Savage Building 212Phone: (716) 878-3057
Email: tooheyjj@buffalostate.edu